These romantic tips for love notes will get you writing notes
that speak from your heart. Romantic notes combine romantic words and
romantic gestures, and communicate spontaneity and playfulness in a
They include the element of surprise when they're hidden in
places your sweetie wouldn't expect. These love messages will be a
welcome surprise and a source of pleasure once they are discovered and
To write a love note, use the stickie note pads. You won't have
to worry about finding tape and the stickies are the perfect size.
Keep your message short but pertinent to your relationship. If
you have pet names for each other, you can simply write, "(Pet name), I
love you".
Other phrases can include, "you're hot", "you're sexy", "I want
you", "I'll be thinking about you", "you're my everything" or anything
you can think of to describe your emotions in a short number of words.
Be clever when you think of places to hide the notes. If he's a
gym buff, hide it in his gym bag. If she plays tennis, attach a note to
her tennis racket.
Some other ideas for note hiding include underneath the pillow,
stuck to the remote control, in his jacket pocket, in her purse, in a
shoe, in the cereal box, in the bath tub, stuck to the hair dryer, stuck
to her shampoo or lotion bottle, on the computer screen, and on the
windshield of the car.
Use your imagination and you'll be able to come up with lots of ideas based on your sweetie's daily habits and preferences.
Love notes are fun and should be added to the ways you show your
love to your soulmate. Have fun, speak from the heart, keep it short and
keep writing, at least once a week.
Unique Ways to Say I Love You - How to Be Creative in Showing Your Love
Saying I love you is not supposed to be dull and lifeless. Love
is itself is overwhelming and downright amazing, that's why when in
love, we always come up with creative ways to say I love you to make our
loved one feel special and happy. There are about a million unique ways
you can say I love you to keep you both inspired and invigorated as a
couple. Here are a few tips on coming up with it, and make dull days
into love days all year round!
Do it the old school way. They say love that isn't mad is not
love at all. Let everybody know you're in love (but try not to be too
annoying please) and skip when going to class. Love is amazing and it
makes you do impossible things. Don't suppress it. Feel it and let show.
Ditch the usual. Forget the usual flowers, chocolates and teddy bears. Though this stuff still works, try something different. Why not cook her favorite meal, sign up for kung fu together or learn a different language. Dare to be different with love. Make her a poem or better yet, compose her a song and serenade her in front of her friends.
Be crazy. Get away from what's normal --- it's boring. Elevate romance by discovering something new everyday. Try something new from the menu, ditch your normal DVD night and invite both her and your friends over, ride the roller coaster, watch a concert or volunteer together to do charity work. Having fun together is a great foundation to make your relationship much stronger and healthier.
Ditch the usual. Forget the usual flowers, chocolates and teddy bears. Though this stuff still works, try something different. Why not cook her favorite meal, sign up for kung fu together or learn a different language. Dare to be different with love. Make her a poem or better yet, compose her a song and serenade her in front of her friends.
Be crazy. Get away from what's normal --- it's boring. Elevate romance by discovering something new everyday. Try something new from the menu, ditch your normal DVD night and invite both her and your friends over, ride the roller coaster, watch a concert or volunteer together to do charity work. Having fun together is a great foundation to make your relationship much stronger and healthier.
How to Get a Man to Say I Love You? Follow These Tips & Watch Him Confess His Love For You
As many women have already noticed throughout the ages, men
typically don't go for emotionally heavy conversation, and the words "I
love you" is a kind of fear-factor for them. They are, well, the
"action-oriented" gender and they would really rather show it than say
it. So, how does a woman get to make her man utter those precious words?
Don't ask too soon
Asking a man if he loves a woman, especially if it's too soon, automatically would creep him out and send him away-running. Men associate these words to being tied down to a life of commitment.
Asking a man if he loves a woman, especially if it's too soon, automatically would creep him out and send him away-running. Men associate these words to being tied down to a life of commitment.
Don't be desperate
Throwing tantrums, being depressed, begging, whining, and total loss of self-control and dignity won't make him get into that mood to say those words. He probably will, just to make the woman stop - but it won't be heartfelt and sincere.
Throwing tantrums, being depressed, begging, whining, and total loss of self-control and dignity won't make him get into that mood to say those words. He probably will, just to make the woman stop - but it won't be heartfelt and sincere.
Don't push it
Pushing his guilt button by constantly telling about friends whose boyfriends have said the words, or pointing out scenes from romantic movies, or making him feel like it's his obligation isn't going to help much. To a woman, I love you may mean the world, but to a man, it's probably just boring emotional stuff.
Pushing his guilt button by constantly telling about friends whose boyfriends have said the words, or pointing out scenes from romantic movies, or making him feel like it's his obligation isn't going to help much. To a woman, I love you may mean the world, but to a man, it's probably just boring emotional stuff.
Acknowledge what he does
Men show their love differently from women. Acknowledging his expression of love would somehow assure him that his efforts are not taken for granted, and this would hopefully build his confidence in expressing it verbally later on.
Men show their love differently from women. Acknowledging his expression of love would somehow assure him that his efforts are not taken for granted, and this would hopefully build his confidence in expressing it verbally later on.
Have a life
A woman must have a life, her own friends, her own hobbies. This usually keeps a man on his toes. If a woman is there with him all the time, running at his every call, doing his every demand, he would become complacent and would find no need to assure his woman that he loves her.
A woman must have a life, her own friends, her own hobbies. This usually keeps a man on his toes. If a woman is there with him all the time, running at his every call, doing his every demand, he would become complacent and would find no need to assure his woman that he loves her.
Don't plan
Women tend to be hopeless romantics at times, imagining - even planning - that special moment when he would say those special words to her. She would just end up disappointed. Be patient. Let it go. Enjoy the time together.
Women tend to be hopeless romantics at times, imagining - even planning - that special moment when he would say those special words to her. She would just end up disappointed. Be patient. Let it go. Enjoy the time together.
Be the woman he wants to be with
He fell in love with her because of certain qualities that attracted him to her in the first place. She must be careful to keep those qualities and continue improving herself.
He fell in love with her because of certain qualities that attracted him to her in the first place. She must be careful to keep those qualities and continue improving herself.
If a man finds that she is the woman he wouldn't want to lose,
then he will gladly give up his freedom to keep her. Once he's decided
she is THE one, he wouldn't hesitate to say those words-straight from
his heart.Pay Close Attention Here-
Let me elaborate on LOVE as a choice.
Love is not involuntary.
The experience we have where we just 'fall in love' is nowhere
near the realm of love. This is because we volunteer to love. We choose
to love. We must choose to love. If there is no choice involved then it
is not love.
Usually, anything involuntary is suspect. Like when you are under
the influence of say, alcohol, it's even illegal to drive a vehicle
because of the greater possibility of acting involuntarily. In the same
way, if your 'love' for anyone is involuntary, you could be under the
influence of...well, something.
Testosterone is the number one influence for men when they 'fall in love' with women.
Riches are number one for women. Ever heard of the saying, 'Don't
follow after women because when you get money, women will follow after
you'? If you are rich and a woman says she loves you, it most likely
will be because she s under the influence of the dough!
The involuntary stuff should be in the realm of words like,
fondness, desire, like, comfortable with, enjoy, you know stuff like
Love requires an act of choice...a decision. It must be a
thoroughly calculated resolve. No feelings. No outside or internal
It must be unconditional...enemy or not, young or not, female or not, rich or not, white or not, etc.
And eternal. You must decide to make it a life long commitment to sacrifice yourself for the good of another.
And eternal. You must decide to make it a life long commitment to sacrifice yourself for the good of another.
Sad, Lonely and Broken Hearted? The "I Love You" Game is Not What Will Bring You True Happiness
The old Elvis Presley song quote, "I feel so lonely I could cry" sums
up this article and the state of mind of many millions of sad, lonely
and broken hearted people who have "opted" to role their dice on the "I
Love You" game in the pursuit of true happiness and fulfillment.
But why was Elvis Presley so lonely that he wanted to cry? Like
most people on Earth he has fallen for the subtle lie perpetrated by
society that love will fulfill us and bring us happiness. How many
people have been in a family who loves them dearly, yet they still feel
empty, sad, lonely and depressed inside? How many people have been in a
romantic relationship with a partner they love and who loves them, yet
they still feel the emptiness, the sadness and the loneliness within?
This is because "external love" - contrary to what society has
led us to believe - can never deliver to us true happiness and
fulfillment. People who "chase after love" are using love as an
addiction to give them a "happiness high", a feeling of elation - yet
this happiness high is only temporary, and the effects soon wear off.
Elvis too was chasing happiness through love, and because he invested
all of his "self worth" into the "I Love You" game and the love was not
forthcoming, he felt so lonely he could cry.
So why do we chase after love to rid us of our loneliness, our
sadness and our broken heart? Let us look at this logically and break it
down. If you have any sort of belief in God or spirituality you will
find it difficult to argue with the following points:
a] God is a Being of Unconditional Love
b] We are all sons and daughters of God and thus we are also inherently Beings of Love.
c] We are Beings of Love because we have the capacity to "give love" and "receive love"
b] We are all sons and daughters of God and thus we are also inherently Beings of Love.
c] We are Beings of Love because we have the capacity to "give love" and "receive love"
So if we are all Beings of Love, then why do we need more love
from outside of our very own being to feel whole, complete and
fulfilled? This is a very important question and the crux of this
As a channel for Spirit, I have a good understanding of our
spiritual purpose on Earth and thus I feel I can answer this question
adequately, at least in the minds of some. Every soul on Earth has a
Human Self, a Lower Self (that includes their Ego, their fears) and a
Higher Self. This Higher Self permanently resides in the Spiritual
Heavens. This Higher Self is a part of God and each soul on Earth is
connected to their own Higher Self via an invisible silver cord. This
Higher Self is the Source of Love for each soul.
When a soul on Earth stops "focusing" on its Higher God Self -
its Source of Love - and chooses to believe it is empty of love and
needs love from outside itself to find true happiness and fulfillment,
then its own "thoughts" STOP the flow of love coming into its soul from
its Higher Self.
Why does this happen? Well in truth, your thoughts create your
reality. This is a spiritual law and reality. Whatever you think becomes
your reality. If you truly believe you are NOT a part of God or VOID of
love or EMPTY of love inside, then you will create the experience of
feeling this way. This is the reason why so many people on Earth feel
sad, lonely and depressed. This is the reason why so many people choose
the "I Love You" game to find true happiness and fulfillment because
they have convinced themselves they do not have the love already inside
of them. And there is nothing more to it. It is this simple.
Those who "chase love", believing they are EMPTY of love inside,
can taste love through relationships, yet they will never BECOME the
Quality of Love. You will only find true inner contentment and
fulfillment by reconnecting to the True Reality of Who You Are, which is
a Being of Love. And then you'll be so loving you could fly.
Christmas and New Year have just passed. You had a wonderful time with all the celebrations, food and parties. What do you think made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
Christmas and New Year have just passed. You had a wonderful time with all the celebrations, food and parties. What do you think made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
It could be the relationships
that you fostered and built during this season of goodwill. Some of
these relationships made you feel very happy. It could have been that
you renewed a friendship with someone whom you had lost touch with for a
long time. Or it could be that you repaired a relationship with that
someone who had been very close to your heart at one time. Or perhaps
you met someone special and would like to have a further relationship
You have experienced something special this Christmas and New Year. It important that you capture this moment and cement the relationship you have repaired or built with that someone special. The gift-giving time is past but a love letter is something you can write and deliver as an after-celebration gift, without being too awkward.
Love letters are rather interesting. It is the only medium by which you can focus on 'you'. How being with the other person made you feel by being with them, in their presence or even just a thought of them. And in return, the solicits a reciprocal reaction.
Well, in this period of celebration - Christmas and New Year, there are bound to be many events which you can pick up on and use in your love letter. Be very focused on the event and describe how the event made you feel. The event can be an encounter, an introduction, a unique gesture and even an achievement which made you feel loved, proud, glad, happy or perhaps helped you view that someone in a different light.
Write your love letter focusing on that specific event. Write about the event as though you were telling a story to someone else. Finally, write how the event made you feel. And then finally, write what you want to do. Perhaps you want to see the other person more often or just want to keep in touch and never to lose contact with other person.
So, make the Christmas and New Year past even more special, and send a love letter to that someone special. It does not have to be a long one and you can get more pointers from my other articles in writing them. If you put in the right amount of effort, your relationship will continue to develop and who knows the relationship could blossom into something special forever.
Putting effort and mastering the art of writing one and sharing life's wonderful moments often bring lots of joy to both the giver and the recipient.
Think of your love letter as a means of capturing life's moments shared between you and the recipient. Try it and be amazed by its effects. The best part is it does not have to be costly or difficult to do, just a little effort on your part.
You have experienced something special this Christmas and New Year. It important that you capture this moment and cement the relationship you have repaired or built with that someone special. The gift-giving time is past but a love letter is something you can write and deliver as an after-celebration gift, without being too awkward.
Love letters are rather interesting. It is the only medium by which you can focus on 'you'. How being with the other person made you feel by being with them, in their presence or even just a thought of them. And in return, the solicits a reciprocal reaction.
Well, in this period of celebration - Christmas and New Year, there are bound to be many events which you can pick up on and use in your love letter. Be very focused on the event and describe how the event made you feel. The event can be an encounter, an introduction, a unique gesture and even an achievement which made you feel loved, proud, glad, happy or perhaps helped you view that someone in a different light.
Write your love letter focusing on that specific event. Write about the event as though you were telling a story to someone else. Finally, write how the event made you feel. And then finally, write what you want to do. Perhaps you want to see the other person more often or just want to keep in touch and never to lose contact with other person.
So, make the Christmas and New Year past even more special, and send a love letter to that someone special. It does not have to be a long one and you can get more pointers from my other articles in writing them. If you put in the right amount of effort, your relationship will continue to develop and who knows the relationship could blossom into something special forever.
Putting effort and mastering the art of writing one and sharing life's wonderful moments often bring lots of joy to both the giver and the recipient.
Think of your love letter as a means of capturing life's moments shared between you and the recipient. Try it and be amazed by its effects. The best part is it does not have to be costly or difficult to do, just a little effort on your part.
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