A birthday comes once in every year thus the reason
to make the day memorable. Birthday celebrations are held in high regard
by many people with some spending a substantial amount of money all for
the purpose of making the day a success. But a birthday ceremony would
pass to be just like another day if no nice messages were passed across
to the celebrant. Thus birthday SMS have become a very popular way of
passing best wishes messages. It's a way of showing that one cares for
people who are far apart and thus not in a position to exchange gifts.
A happy birthday SMS is not just a mere message
but can be a prayer as well as a wish. A typical birthday SMS contains
phrases that express what the sender would like the celebrant to achieve
in their lifetime. Others will are cheer messages that aim at
brightening the recipient's day. When writing a birthday messages it's
good to consider the recipient's age, likes and dislikes. Thus the
message will be in a form that matches to what the recipient would
appreciate. For instance aspects like favorite color could be helpful
when the writer wants to add a theme or animations to the message.
A birthday SMS should be eye-catching in order
to captivate the reader and lure him/her into wanting to read the entire
message. Adding a bit of humor to the SMS can make the both message and
the day more memorable. Another principle when writing birthday
messages is that 'less means more'. A brief message that is spot on will
be easier for the recipient to read considering that there may be many
more messages received.
The best time to send a birthday SMS messages
is late on the day previous to the birthday date or early on the
material day. It is such a special feeling to wake up in the morning and
find the phone full of nice wishes. Nevertheless it's still possible to
send a belated birthday wish if at all one was not able to do it on the
actual birthday.
But will you?
Will you write a love letter today, another next week and another the week after? Are you willing to make writing love letters a new tradition?
Don't answer that. We'll come back to that question in a moment.
Now I'm going to make a wild guess. You did not inherit this tradition either. I'm right, aren't I? After all, this article is titled, "How to make writing love letters a tradition." Since make = establish and since you're still reading this, clearly you want to learn how to establish this tradition? Hold tight, we're getting there.
Although you did not inherit this tradition, you may hand it down to your children as part of their inheritance one day. So let's explore that idea a bit.
A tradition that's inherited is witnessed, not taught with empty words, but caught from the people you respect most - those who routinely impart a standard of living through words and actions. They communicate with behavior. It's education by example.
Good behavior is caught, not taught.
What kind of behavior will your children catch?
When you inherit a tradition like writing love letters, you're gifted with wisdom, lessons of vision, persistence, and leadership; spared the longsuffering, failure, hardship and trials endured by those who came before you; and granted encouragement, counsel and accountability from the tradition's founders (perhaps you one day) and of course, you're endowed with all its rewards.
Don't you wish you inherited this tradition? (Yes!?) Then why not become that person?
Become the person who gifts wisdom, spares their progeny of hardship, grants them good counsel and encouragement, endows them with rewards that last a lifetime (and beyond). Establish this tradition (writing love letters) and leave it to your children as part of your legacy and part of their inheritance. Your life is already full of traditions. What's one more, especially one of such great value?
What is a love letter tradition?
I'll tell you what it's not! Writing one lonely love letter is no tradition. It's a whim, not a pattern. Writing two love letters is a little better, but still not a tradition. Writing love letters every Sunday for the rest of your life - now that's a tradition.
Writing romantic love letters is the one the finest ways to get (and stay) committed to love and romance... a worthy cause, don't you agree?
Step 2 - Understand the love letter benefits. It's amazing that such a simple gesture as writing a love letter could have such a profound impact on you and your true love. Not to mention on all those watching you, observing your commitment to love (family, friends, neighbors, kids). If writing a love letter truly could produce this list of benefits (builds excitement, instills joy, recovers happiness, creates hope, produces a forgiving spirit, builds anticipation, encourages intimate communication, stirs passions, cultivates trust and commitment, forms excellent habits, promotes romance, discourages destructive behavior, relieves stress, reduces fighting and tension, abolishes sadness, eradicates loneliness, diminishes grudges, dissolves boredom, sets a good example and endorses faithfulness, while deterring deceit & even divorce), then why not invest just 5 minutes a week and bring back the lost art one letter at a time?
Step 3 - Write down your love letter goals. There's something to be said for spontaneity. It creates excitement and thrills! You should definitely make a place for that in your life. But when faced with a challenge, setting goals and planning ahead is very wise. That is, if you plan on succeeding at whatever it is that you're facing. For instance, if you want to succeed at writing frequent love letters then I suggest you define some clear objectives, plan ahead and be diligent.
Step 4 - Daily love letter inspiration from your journal. If you want to ensure this new tradition (writing love letters) sticks, perhaps you should build it into your daily routine. Even if you write weekly or monthly (I write weekly), devote some time each day to this tradition and it'll be easier to maintain. Maybe first thing in the morning or the last thing you do before lights out, pull out your journal and jot down one thing you love about your sweetheart, one thing you can do better or one interesting (or new) thing you noticed. Just a few seconds each day and you'll more prepared when you sit down to write your next letter.
Step 5 ~ Pick a day and a time. Set aside a specific day of the week and time for writing and sharing your love letters. Pick Sunday afternoon, Friday night, or Saturday morning during breakfast. Pick whatever works best for you. Just pick a time you can repeat each week.
How to Make Writing Love Letters a Tradition
Okay, let's get right to the point. You should write love letters because it will bring you (and your true love) many lifelong rewards. Besides, it's not that hard, especially with my simple love letter WRITE-ing technique.But will you?
Will you write a love letter today, another next week and another the week after? Are you willing to make writing love letters a new tradition?
Don't answer that. We'll come back to that question in a moment.
Tra-di-tion - an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior. ~ WebsterAssuming Webster's correct, you'll engage in a pattern of thought, action or behavior if that thought, action or behavior is one of three things:
- Inherited.
- Established.
- Customary.
Now I'm going to make a wild guess. You did not inherit this tradition either. I'm right, aren't I? After all, this article is titled, "How to make writing love letters a tradition." Since make = establish and since you're still reading this, clearly you want to learn how to establish this tradition? Hold tight, we're getting there.
Although you did not inherit this tradition, you may hand it down to your children as part of their inheritance one day. So let's explore that idea a bit.
A tradition that's inherited is witnessed, not taught with empty words, but caught from the people you respect most - those who routinely impart a standard of living through words and actions. They communicate with behavior. It's education by example.
Good behavior is caught, not taught.
What kind of behavior will your children catch?
When you inherit a tradition like writing love letters, you're gifted with wisdom, lessons of vision, persistence, and leadership; spared the longsuffering, failure, hardship and trials endured by those who came before you; and granted encouragement, counsel and accountability from the tradition's founders (perhaps you one day) and of course, you're endowed with all its rewards.
Don't you wish you inherited this tradition? (Yes!?) Then why not become that person?
Become the person who gifts wisdom, spares their progeny of hardship, grants them good counsel and encouragement, endows them with rewards that last a lifetime (and beyond). Establish this tradition (writing love letters) and leave it to your children as part of your legacy and part of their inheritance. Your life is already full of traditions. What's one more, especially one of such great value?
What is a love letter tradition?
I'll tell you what it's not! Writing one lonely love letter is no tradition. It's a whim, not a pattern. Writing two love letters is a little better, but still not a tradition. Writing love letters every Sunday for the rest of your life - now that's a tradition.
Writing romantic love letters is the one the finest ways to get (and stay) committed to love and romance... a worthy cause, don't you agree?
Embrace this tradition, here's how:
Step 1 - Visualize the end result. Just
imagine... decades from now you stumble upon an old chest up in the
attic under lock and key. You tilt it open, sit back on your heals and
think back as a small tear runs down your cheek. That old chest is your
legacy. It's filled with your love and your life recorded in thousands
of love letters. You don't have to read a single letter to know how
great it was. You lived it. But you can't help yourself, so you reach
inside and pull one out. After hours of reading, remembering, laughing
and crying you head downstairs, click off the light, shut the door
behind you and smile - a smile that can't be wiped off your face no
matter what, because you have no regrets.Step 2 - Understand the love letter benefits. It's amazing that such a simple gesture as writing a love letter could have such a profound impact on you and your true love. Not to mention on all those watching you, observing your commitment to love (family, friends, neighbors, kids). If writing a love letter truly could produce this list of benefits (builds excitement, instills joy, recovers happiness, creates hope, produces a forgiving spirit, builds anticipation, encourages intimate communication, stirs passions, cultivates trust and commitment, forms excellent habits, promotes romance, discourages destructive behavior, relieves stress, reduces fighting and tension, abolishes sadness, eradicates loneliness, diminishes grudges, dissolves boredom, sets a good example and endorses faithfulness, while deterring deceit & even divorce), then why not invest just 5 minutes a week and bring back the lost art one letter at a time?
Step 3 - Write down your love letter goals. There's something to be said for spontaneity. It creates excitement and thrills! You should definitely make a place for that in your life. But when faced with a challenge, setting goals and planning ahead is very wise. That is, if you plan on succeeding at whatever it is that you're facing. For instance, if you want to succeed at writing frequent love letters then I suggest you define some clear objectives, plan ahead and be diligent.
Step 4 - Daily love letter inspiration from your journal. If you want to ensure this new tradition (writing love letters) sticks, perhaps you should build it into your daily routine. Even if you write weekly or monthly (I write weekly), devote some time each day to this tradition and it'll be easier to maintain. Maybe first thing in the morning or the last thing you do before lights out, pull out your journal and jot down one thing you love about your sweetheart, one thing you can do better or one interesting (or new) thing you noticed. Just a few seconds each day and you'll more prepared when you sit down to write your next letter.
Step 5 ~ Pick a day and a time. Set aside a specific day of the week and time for writing and sharing your love letters. Pick Sunday afternoon, Friday night, or Saturday morning during breakfast. Pick whatever works best for you. Just pick a time you can repeat each week.
A couple more things
- Start simple (commit to 30 days), get a win under your belt and then go for another 30.
- Don't be too hard on yourself. You'll miss a day or a week now and then. But we all make mistakes and fail. Just start up again. Eventually it will become second nature. Trust me.
Birthday Messages
2) Morning I went to the church
The priest looked at me in awe
I never visit the church in mornings
"Father!"I tell him
"Today is her birthday"
On the way back the Sun I saw
Was shining brighter.
The birds flew high chirping love
I tell myself,"They might have known,
that today is her birthday"
All my friends were happy
For a dinner I gave as treat
A curious friend asked me why
"Dear"I tell him
"Today is her birthday"
I will never be dull even when the Sun is at West
For I knew very well
that I will live for the same day
to come again the years to follow
for this day will always be your birthday
3) If you are married
your wife will be happy
for you were born this day.
If you are not married
Your parents will be happy
for you were born this day.
If you don't have parents
We will be happy as your friends
for you were born this day.