Love SMS - The Reason For Romance

Love text messages are a good way to express feelings and these can be sent anytime and not just during special occasions such as valentine. Communicating through SMS is not only easy and simple but is one of the cheapest methods to stay in touch. You can drop any amount of messages you want in a day for a loved one just to let him/her know that they are on your mind. Most people in long distance relationships communicate through love SMS because making calls can prove to be expensive sometimes.
Love messages also come in handy when both of you are busy that it becomes difficult to meet often or to call each other. There are many love messages on the internet you can send to your loved one but you can also compose your own. You can subscribe to some of the SMS service websites that make it possible for you to send messages cheaply. You can also access any of the Hindi love SMS sites where you will find a collection love messages.
Once in a while you like to receive a lovely SMS from the person you love even if it is to just wish you a good day at work. You don't have to make it very long but a few words will do just fine as long it has all that you intended to pass across.
With Love SMS too, you can write it from anywhere you are on your phone especially when you are in a place where you cannot receive or make a call due to restrictions or noise. You can also surprise the person you love through a romantic short message on his/her phone. There is no specific form in which a love message may take but they are supposed to express the feelings we have in written words. It should therefore be romantic and lovely with the right choice of words. With the computers and phones at our disposal, you should not let a relationship die for lack of communication when you can do it cheaply through love text messages.

Love and Mobile Phones

There are many lovers and married couples today whose love for each other was made possible through mobile phones. Even I know of several couples who have gotten on a serious relationship through their mobile phones, starting as text pal and later on to become husband and wife. A lady teacher whom I knew, and was already near being a spinster, bought for herself a Cell phone for the single purpose of making friends through text. I learned that only after a few weeks, she met with one of her text pals and from there on, became seriously engaged with the guy who was younger than her by almost 8 years. She believes however, that in love, age does not matter. Today, they are happily married and would soon be having a baby of their own. This is a happy love affair through the wonders of a cell phone.
But there are love stories brought about by mobile phones through its texting facility that did not end happily. Take the case of a department store employee whose text pal for only two months lured her to a motel, make love to her and promised to make her his wife. Because of the promise of marriage, the woman continued seeing her text pal who is now her alleged fiancee until one day, a fat woman knocked on the room of the motel where they were making love. And when they opened the door, the woman furiously attacked the department store employee until she was knocked unconscious and hospitalized. The fat woman happened to be the wife of her text pal cum fiancee. Today, she is now a single mom to two beautiful twin daughters.
There are today many stories related to love and friendship made over the mobile phone either in voice or through text messages. In most cases, text messaging or SMS are normally used by two people in love because of the discreet nature of text massages or SMS. But for people who have the money and space, love messages are normally done through voice calls in their mobile phones. Actually, mobile phones have made possible easy communication between two persons in whatever circumstances they are in. Through text or SMS, they can easily get in touch with one another to express their feelings, to one another. A boy can text her classmate he has a crush on and express his feelings. Or a girl, can easily get the mobile phone number of a class stand out she has got some feelings for and convey to him that she cares for him.
Before the advent of mobile phones and SMS or text messaging service, guys would be hard put to express their hidden emotion to girls of their dreams. They are simply afraid to clear out of their throats those 3 words that would express their love for the girl. But with text messages or SMS, a guy can discreetly let the girl know about his feelings for her and if the girl has a feeling for the boy, then she can text back and tell him that the feeling is mutual. One reason why sales of mobile phones are always on the rise is because of SMS or text messaging service. This mode of communication is simply ideal for love birds. They can send and receive love notes and messages for their eyes only. Because they do not converse in their mobile phones, what ever love messages they send for each other will always be confidential, unless somebody else tinkers with their phones.

Sending a Simple Romantic Message Can Improve Your Relationship

When you first meet your significant other, everything is wonderful and your both on cloud nine. Nothing can go wrong and there is never any need for a boost in your relationship. However, over time and if you do stay with that person for years to come or even get married and have kids, it is a natural progression that things change. A relationship takes work and it takes commitment and compromise to keep it going strong for years or forever. A marriage with kids takes even more work, commitment and compromise. It can mean giving up some of your passions, pieces of your dreams or career wishes to satisfy the needs of others including your loved ones, wife, spouse, or kids. But don't worry, if you focus on the right aspects and continue to work at it, you can have everything you want out of your relationship.
When valentine's day roles around or your wife or husband's birthday, it's time to step it up and buy some flowers, some chocolates, balloons, and also get them a card to show them how much they mean to you. These are the times of the year when it's expected to give a gift and they are always appreciated from both sides. However, over time, these gifts become normal and it's important to change things up in order to keep the spice and passion alive in your relationship. Therefore, in order to keep the fire burning, I am recommending that you give random surprise gifts to your loved one all year long. Yes, all year long. I know it sounds like a lot, but it doesn't have to be an enormous quantity of gifts or even gifts that cost any money. It just needs to be something to remind your loved one what they mean to you and how important your relationship is your life. This is needed for the success of a long term relationship and will make your life much easier and much happier. It will make the other person feel needed and it's such a small thing to do.
Therefore, take the time and start today by sending a love message or romantic text message. Find a great love poem, love letter, or love romantic message that will melt the heart of your partner. Trust me, it will make a difference and send something to him or her randomly and you will once again be back on cloud nine in no time.

How to Spice Up Or Rekindle the Love Between You and Your Partner

In a love relationship, we usually become so accustomed to and familiar with our partner of many years that it is easy for us to begin taking each other for granted or taking our love for each other for granted, which is a real pity, as the love between two people who have been together for such a long time is of immeasurable value. Therefore, we sometimes need to purposefully spice up or rekindle our love for each other before it dies a gradual, natural and tragic death. Much can be done with respect to this. This article suggests some ideas that you may want to take into consideration in your effort to spice up or rekindle the love between you and your partner.
1. Fall in Love with Each Other All Over Again
Go on a date with each other again, at a place where both of you used to spend wonderful moments together during your days of courtship, so as to evoke memories of those precious moments. Relive and savour those precious moments all over again. This wave of nostalgia will almost certainly recapture or spice up your love for each other.
2. Write Each Other Love Messages
You could write I love you messages to each other, be they in the form of a love 'SMS' (text sent over the mobile phone), an e-mail, a love letter (snail mail) or even a simple I love you message left on the table for your partner to chance on and read.
3. Music
Music has the power to tug at the heartstrings. If you are good at playing a particular musical instrument, you could put it to good use by playing some pieces that will evoke memories of happy times both of you spent together in the past. If you are vocally gifted, you could even sing love songs to your partner or songs that will evoke memories of wonderful times spent together. Do not fret though, if your talents happen to be something else rather than music, as you could always rely on music discs to do the trick for you.

Do What You Love And The Money Will Follow - I Call Bullshit!

"Do what you love and the money will follow." This is such crap.
There is SO much more to making money from your passions than just doing what you love. I love to play videos games & drink cold beer while simultaneously getting a shoulder and foot massage from two different people...however, there is not much of a market for that. This is one of the most misguided and overused sayings in our culture.
Of course I believe it's important to be passionate about what you do. Of course it's important that what you do brings you joy. However, this statement leads people to believe that if you just do what you love, the money will somehow just magically appear one day. There is so much more to it than that.
As we have seen from American Idol...just because someone loves to sing doesn't mean they will make money as a singer. William Hung and the "Pants On The Ground" guy are exceptions to talentless income. Does it happen sometimes? Are there examples of people just putting themselves out there passionately, getting that break and making it big? Of course. But most of us need to use our brains a bit more to have it happen.
Yes, you should LOVE what you do. Yes, you should put LOVE into what you do. And Yes, you should, whenever possible, build WHAT you do around what you LOVE.
And, if you want to be able to do what you love for a long, long also better follow a few important LOVE steps:
You must see if there are enough people who love what you love to support a market. Generally speaking, if you look hard enough, you can find a market for just about anything.
Create a way to get your love message in front of the people who are most likely to share their love back by giving you some of their money. This way, you can have a love fest of sorts. If you are just loving on yourself and no one else ever sees it...well, that's another post all together.
Make sure your message is compelling enough to move them into action. Buckminster Fuller said, "Give me a lever long enough and I can move the world." LOVE, applied to the right places, is the most powerful lever in the none. (Thank you Franco Gonzales for my new favorite word - loverage).

Once someone has come into your circle of love...shower them with so much love they never want to leave. Keep the love fest going and going and going. If you create a way for people to feel loved & express their will never have to worry about money again.
It's never just, "Do what you love..." We see this everywhere. Talent alone doesn't win championships. Love alone doesn't keep relationships together.
But instilling LOVE into all that you do and having it come alive as you execute a well developed plan...well that just may lead you to the life you were born to live.